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Independent Space Sector Episodic game organization | Игра на английском языке



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Старый 30.01.2025, 00:22   #1


Аватар для Nabra / Посмотреть профиль
★ Техадмин ★
Подозрительный тип

Репутация: 400
По умолчанию The treasure of the cat kind

Pirates find out that the "salesman's legend" about the ring stolen from the catlord mafioso by Alice is, in fact, true. But the ring isn't enough to get to the treasure. They need help from the Max, the Catlord Mobster himself. Thankfully, he is quite as much of an advanture-seeker as they are. Unfortunately, he is quite as much of an advanture-seeker as they are.
Nabra вне форума   ''

Старый 30.01.2025, 01:45   #2

Amir Delion

Аватар для Амир Делион / Посмотреть профиль
★ Игрок ★
Джентльмен удачи

Репутация: 549
По умолчанию Re: The treasure of the cat kind

- ...Then Max... - Amir drew the line with a finger through his throat, - Ended the fight, and insisted that I had to eat the viper, because "the best medicine is the hair of a dog that bit you"
- It's about alcohol, and it doesn't work anyway! Not about snakes!
- Whatever... Max insisted I eat the viper, so I ordered it pan-fried. But it came out overcooked, and didn't taste good anyway, so I drank a bit more whiskey to make it go down easier. Then I wanted to try some of that catnip liquor thing Max was drinking, but all it did to me was make me sleepy...
- By the way, is Max orange in cat form?
- No... Why?
- It would explain you having one freaking brain cell among two of you, that was required elsewhere that night!
- We just had a negotiation meeting at the restaurant and drank a bit too much. That happens. Don't make too much out of it!
- Drunk to the point of going wrestling a viper and getting bitten by it three times. And then asking your vis-a-vie, who was high like a dear in the headlights, to give you a ride.
- Both were important diplomatic decisions! And I went straight to the med bay and asked to give me an IV.
- Because you didn't want to feel all of that in the morning, not because you realized it was dangerous.
- Whatever... - Amir rolled his eyes. Somehow, the Crazy Cat Kamil ended up being the adult one this time. - We made an agreement, by the way. 50/50, he has priority for anything with extreme cultural significance. The ring stays with us until we open the treasure room, then it's his. I feel like Alice won't like the last part...
- If you want to sell something to Arkham, I can bring it with me when I return there.
- I'm not sure we will get there before you leave. Max is working on the Ilatri system defense line now. We can start preparation without him, but we will need him to be free before we go directly to sight.
- Do we need to care about him finding out about... The Black Sun and stuff?
- I don't think so. I believe he isn't that mad, actually. They are working on the defense line, but they aren't, like, fighting, I believe there's a lot of negotiation going on right now - which they couldn't really do before, he even tried to enlist me before finding out that my "special ability" was just "making stuff more complicated and hurting myself in process". Besides, they wanted to do about the same thing with the Sphere
Амир Делион вне форума   ''

Старый 15.02.2025, 05:30   #3


Аватар для Алиса / Посмотреть профиль
★ Техадмин ★
And the night rolls on like a slow moving train...

Репутация: 736
По умолчанию Re: The treasure of the cat kind

Alice, as expected, did not like the last part. But not so much as to give up the idea of ​​​​searching for an even more valuable and interesting treasure.

"Okay. The fact of the theft is enough to put your Max in his place". Alice finally conceded. "If he helps find the treasure and does not deceive, then so be it, I will return it".

The story of how the negotiations went seemed crazy. Alice did not hide her surprise when she listened to it. Could one drinking bout really make Amir and the mafia catlord such friends? Alice did not believe in this friendship. But for pirates, it was sometimes normal to side with former enemies. Therefore, she was not against joint treasure hunting. Maybe, after common dangers, she will be able to understand why Marla speaks so warmly of Max and loves him so much. Perhaps Alice would prefer not to have anything to do with Max, but if Amir needs her, she will be there for him and for Max too.

"What will be required of me?" Alice asked. She hoped that the question did not sound too cold. "Except not to quarrel with him. I will try to behave politely".

Of course, Alice would prefer not to have anything to do with Max, but the treasure attracted her much more than the old grievances repelled her. Because of the treasure, she was ready, if not to reconcile, then at least not to spoil Amir's relationship with a potential partner.
[table layout=fixed width=100%]
[td]Что мне делать с собой, если ночью мне снится
Плеск волны, стон воды, вздохи скал?..

[td valign=bottom](Канцлер Ги)[/td]
Алиса вне форума   ''

Старый 16.02.2025, 00:55   #4

Amir Delion

Аватар для Амир Делион / Посмотреть профиль
★ Игрок ★
Джентльмен удачи

Репутация: 549
По умолчанию Re: The treasure of the cat kind

"I don't trust him" Clarified Amir when everyone involved already left the med bey. Pirate wasn't at all hangovered, but his hand and leg were still swollen.
"Well, apparently I trust him enough to check why exactly drinking at work is a bad idea together - it is a bad idea, btw, you are right, - but not in big things. But we need him for this plot... Well, him or the Cat's Eye scientists, but in the latter case we will barely get anything, and it's not like I trust them either."
The ring got linked to the Maxim by DNA. This part pirates managed to figure out; but how, why and what to do about it remained a mystery.
"You may need to help with computers. If they had direct interface - it's probably biological, because, well, catlords' technology. I know that they do completely different things than anere-taio, but you are the only person I know who has any experience with biological interfaces at all... But I understand that you are pissed off at him, and it's completely fair, so if you don't want to deal with him - you don't have to"
Амир Делион вне форума   ''

Старый 19.02.2025, 02:21   #5


Аватар для Алиса / Посмотреть профиль
★ Техадмин ★
And the night rolls on like a slow moving train...

Репутация: 736
По умолчанию Re: The treasure of the cat kind

“I definitely won't give the ring away for free, even to the scientists. It's not just a trophy. I like it. But I'm willing to exchange it for a piece of the treasure. That's why Max is better than the scientists. And it's better not to quarrel with Max unnecessarily. I'm friends with Marla, Marla looks after my cat when I'm away, and Marla is friends with Max. That's why I'd also prefer to be friends with him, or at least not to be enemies. If we go to the scientists, my relationship with Max definitely won't improve.”

Alice thought for a long time. She weighed the options in her mind, but Amir was right that in such a delicate matter it was risky to turn to outside specialists if it was possible to do without them. Alice wasn't an expert in catlord technology, but she knew more about it than Amir himself or anyone else on the ship's crew.

“I've dealt with human technology. I'm pretty good at it. The catlords have different technology that they use for werecats. I can't promise that I'll be able to figure it out, but if you don't want to go to outside specialists, I'm willing to try. You're right, it will be difficult for me to deal with Max. But I once doubted whether it was worth dealing with you.” She smiled. “So I'm willing to give him a chance and work on one side. I'm in”
[table layout=fixed width=100%]
[td]Что мне делать с собой, если ночью мне снится
Плеск волны, стон воды, вздохи скал?..

[td valign=bottom](Канцлер Ги)[/td]
Алиса вне форума   ''



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